Effect of pre-IVF incubation in maturation medium on oocyte maturity, fertilization, embryonic devel
The KNRL nuclear receptor controls hydrolase-mediated vitellin breakdown during embryogenesis in the
Vitellin (Vn) homeostasis is central to the fecundity of oviparous insects.Most studies have focused on the synthesis an......
ICSI treatment of severe male infertility can achieve prospective embryo quality compared with IVF o
Angiotensin-converting enzyme functions in the male reproductive system, but the extent of its function in reproduction ......
RNA in spermatozoa was the topic of some heated debate for a long time, but with the advent of new techniques in fields ......
Light is essential for embryonic development in many oviparous animals,but harmful in mammals.The response of reptile em......
Vitrification has been widely employed to cryopreserve animal and human oocytes and embryos.It can not only promote oocy......
TRANSPARENT TESTA2(TT2)is a key regulator of proanthocyanidins(PAs)biosynthesis in the seed coat of Arabidopsis.We recen......
Purpose Sericin was a water-soluble component of silk protein, which has been identify with antibacterial, antioxidant, ......
Thermal tolerance is critical for the survival of amniotic embryos that are venerable to extreme temperatures.Rarely, ho......
Changes in Enzyme Activities During Embryonic Development and in First Feeding Larvae of the Mud Cra
Amniotic Fluid Acts as a Transporting Pathway for Messenger Molecules and Stem Cells during the Embr
Embryonic development is a rapid process involved in extensive molecular expression and signaling transduction.Most of s......
Melatonin can improve nuclear maturation of human oocytes without interfering with early embryonic d
Purpose Melatonin (MT) mainly synthesized in the pineal gland of mammalian species could induce meiotic maturation of im......
光片显微成像是一种新兴的影像技术。相比于其他光学成像技术, 光片显微成像技术具有成像深度大、对比度高、成像速度快、低光漂白......
Deficiency of Antisense lncRNA Gm48853 Resulted in Embryonic Lethality and Impaired Placental Develo
In vertebrates,the embryonic body plan has been established during gastrulation.How microRNAs are involved in this p......
Comparison of the developmental competence and quality of bovine embryos obtained by IVF with sex-so
In artificial insemination, semen quality is considered to be closely related to the pregnancy rate and ratio of emb......
Thermoregulation and thermal acclimation in reptile embryos implications for adaptation to climate w
中国林蛙Rana chensinesis是我国北方地区较为常见的无尾两栖类,依其胚胎发育的外部形态和生理特征,中国林蛙早期胚胎发育可分为25......
微RNA (miRNA)在转录后水平调节基因的表达,在人类及动物的各种生理及病理过程中起重要作用。 miR-141是miR-200家族的成员,通过与不同的......
Impact of electromagnetic radiation exposure during pregnancy on embryonic skeletal development in r
目的 观察乙烯硫脲致畸的肛门直肠畸形(ARMs)大鼠模型后肠平滑肌的发育过程及演变规律.方法 实验分为正常组和ARMs组,ARMs组为以乙......
The aim of Experiment 1 was to compare the effect of two different activating time on parthenogenetic embryonic develop......
目的 探讨妊娠早期患者血孕酮(P)及雌二醇(E2)水平与胚胎停止发育的关系.方法 妊娠早期存在先兆流产症状患者118例,依据胚胎发育情......
目的 观察Tcf4在大鼠正常和畸形肛门直肠发育过程中的表达,探讨Tcf4在正常和肛门直肠畸形的胚胎发生机制中的作用.方法 用乙烯硫脲......
目的 观察乙烯硫脲致畸的肛门直肠畸形大鼠模型横纹肌复合体(SMC)胚胎发育规律及演变过程,为探讨肛门直肠畸形患儿术后排便功能障......
目的 研究β-catenin、Wnt-4和sFRP-1基因在肾母细胞瘤、瘤旁肾组织、胚胎肾和正常肾组织中的表达实验对象分组,肾母细胞瘤组20例,......
目的 建立维生素A缺乏的孕鼠模型,观察孕鼠维生素A缺乏对子代鼠胚胎发育和肿瘤发生的作用.方法 取Wismr雌鼠9只,12周龄,体重200~220......
目的 观察新西兰兔泌尿道自体神经的发育过程和分布状况.方法 选择胎龄为2、3、3.5周和出生后1、4、8、12周的动物为实验对象,在泌......
目的利用分子生物学方法检测肛门直肠畸形(anorectal malformations, ARM)大鼠胚胎发育中Sfrp5/Dkk4基因的表达。方法对Wistar孕鼠......
先天性肛门直肠畸形(anorectal malformations,ARM)是小儿外科常见的先天畸形之一,便秘和便失禁是ARM术后最常见的并发症,盆底肌发育......
AIM: To investigate the expression patts of esophageal squamous cell cancer deregulated genes in mid to late stages of C......
目的 比较产前给予不同剂量地塞米松对大鼠胎肺形态结构及Wnt信号转导途径的影响.方法 孕鼠12只,于孕16、17、18 d,连续3 d给孕鼠......
广东鲂胚胎发育的最低和最高临界水温分别是20℃和31,最适水温范围是24-28℃,胚胎发育所需时间与水 成负相关关系;水温对胚胎发育速率的影响后......
详细描述了海南根结线虫胚胎发育和胚后发育各阶段的过程和形态变化。在平均温度26℃时,完成胚胎发育需14.5 ̄17.5d;在平均温度25.4℃时,完成胚后发育约......
罗氏沼虾以内陷形成原肠。原肠胚有两类细胞,未陷入的外胚层细胞和陷入的中内胚内细胞团。后者部分细胞分化的中胚层端 外胚层端细......
目的 探讨胎儿鼻甲与鼻腔发育的形态学特点,为胚胎发育提供资料。方法 对106例12-40周胎儿的游离鼻腔标本,采用石蜡包埋切片,HE当构,光镜观测。......